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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

37/38 weeks & 5 days

It doesn't feel like today is the day. Despite the fact that my baby has noticeably dropped and my crotch now feels like it is going to completely fall off (even while sitting), I just feel like I'm already out for the day. Thinking "today doesn't feel like the day".

A part of me honestly doesn't mind all that much. I enjoy her slow movements of her bum going from left to right and her little heels trailing along my belly. Her excitment when I listen to worship music or when I meditate listening to Kelly Howell make me love her even more than I've ever thought possible. Such peace. This makes me want to hold her even more and gush so much love over her. I really can't wait to meet my baby girl.

I don't mind being pregnant for one more day. It seems as though for the past 5 days while laying in bed right before I drift off to sleep (it hasn't been very hard lately as I am so incredibly exhausted come 8 pm) I think to myself "well, at least I get one more night of peaceful sleep, one more day of just Hayden and I to spend together) and I'm truly okay with still being pregnant-but oh so excited to add this bundle of joy to our lives.

And as I type this, I experience another contraction. Starting in my back and wrapping around my front. Feeling pain with this pregnancy gets me all excited. I didn't feel pain with Hayden...just the water breaking. I'm kinda really excited to feel the labor part. I'm sure I sound like a nut saying that and when I'm actually in it, I'm positive my response will change to "yep, painful. Let's get that big ass needle in me now. I've experienced pain and I'm good now." LOL!


  1. Its almost time!!!! I SO enjoyed my last weeks of pregnancy and my last weeks of sleep. I'm happy you're savoring the time. I'm so excited for you.

  2. Your amazing! Keep your head up high and enjoy those last moments alone with Hayden! You will treasure them forever, just as you will treasure your new beautiful addition...SOON! :) Love ya!


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